
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hotplate: Three and Four Bean / Pea Salads

I am on a bean kick!
I used to make a great three bean salad with canned and drained Kidney beans, Green beans and Garbanzo beans with a ready-made Italian dressing.
Look at me now, cooking dry beans!
While I can get fresh green beans here and maybe dry kidney beans, I wanted to use the “Use What I Have” method rather than run to the store during a pandemic in a hot zone to get these items.
I used the recipes under Resources below as guides.

Hotplate: Three and Four Bean / Pea Salads

The day before making these salads, I made about a cup of Pinto beans, one cup of Black-eyed peas and about two cups Black beans from dry beans. The peas and Garbanzo beans came from cans.

There are plenty of how-to cook dry beans tutorials available like:

How to Cook Black-eyed Peas

No amounts are noted because you can make any size bean salad you desire

I made three sample combinations as a test.

Black beans, cooked and drained
Pinto beans, cooked and drained
Black-eyed peas, cooked and drained
With ready-made Italian dressing
Black-eyed peas, cooked and drained
Green peas, canned, drained and rinsed
Garbanzo beans, cooked and drained
Black-eyed peas, cooked and drained
With DIY Vinaigrette per Wikipedia with lime juice and dry parsley.
Wikipedia Vinaigrette:
3 parts oil
1 part apple cider vinegar
Herbs / Spices
Pinto beans, cooked and drained 
Garbanzo beans, canned, drained and rinsed
Black beans, cooked and drained
With DIY Vinaigrette

I liked all three bean/pea salads but I liked #2 and #3 because of the DIY Vinaigrette. The DIY Vinaigrette had a surprisingly light and bright flavor. 
Spending with Pennies

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