Tales from Indies
Smashwords Forum Writers Anthology (2015)
Press Release
November 16, 2015
Smashwords Forum Writers
INTERNATIONAL — Tales from Indies is the first anthology published by Smashwords Forum Writers (SWF). This free (with Smashwords coupon) collection of eleven pieces, with an international flavor, includes short stories, an essay and chapters from completed works with themes ranging from science-fiction, fantasy, historical retelling, to paranormal romance.
Tales from Indies writers are: Bret Allen, John Chapman, Shelia Chapman, Şerban Valentin Constantin Enache, Julie Harris, Kell Inkston, Alan James, Ian Kotze, Jennifer R. Povey, Ria Stone, and Bonnie Turner.
SWF writers are a diverse bunch. We have a global membership. Our genres run the gamut from children's picture eBooks to erotica, from historical fiction to science-fiction, fantasy, and romance. Nonfiction writers offer puzzle eBooks, how-to-books, satire, & more. SWF writers are new authors and long-time pros.
Tales from Indies is published via Smashwords, a online eBook publisher with a distribution network that includes most major eBook eTailers.
Free with Smashwords Coupon: BU68H
Contact Information:
Smashwords Forum (SWF): http://smashwords-forum.proboards.com
Smashwords: Smashwords Forum Writers (Publisher): https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/SmashwordsForum
SWF Twitter: @smashwordsforum #SWFTalesfromIndies
Tales from Indies
Smashwords Writers Anthology
Blog Tour - 2015
Just in time for the Holidays. This free collection of eleven pieces, with an international flavor, includes short stories, an essay and chapters from completed works with themes ranging from science-fiction, fantasy, historical retellings, to paranormal romance.
Tales from Indies writers are: Bret Allen, John Chapman, Shelia Chapman, Şerban V.C. Enache, Julie Harris, Kell Inkston, Alan James, Ian Kotze, Jennifer R. Povey, Ria Stone, and Bonnie Turner.
New and experienced writers, join Smashwords Forum to explore and meet other writers of all ages and genres as well to gain useful tips about formatting, writing, promotion, cover art design, coding, and more.
*The Smashwords Forum is an independent website not affiliated with Smashwords.
Smashwords Forum: http://smashwords-forum.proboards.com
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com
SWF Anthology Blog Tour Dates
November 16, 2015
SWF Founder, Ted Summerfield - punzhupuzzles.wordpress.com/
Introduction to SWF
November 17, 2015
Ria Stone - riastoneblog.blogspot.mx
Ted Summerfield SWF profile
November 2015
Bret Allen - www.bretallen.info
November 2015
Julie Harris - www.julieh.com.au/e-books.html
December 2015
Ian Kotze - insanityexpressed.blogspot.mx
Article on his works
December 11, 2015
Jennifer R. Povey - www.jenniferrpovey.com/
Available for an interview
December 2015
Bonnie Turner - my.athenet.net/~aurorawolf
December 8, 2015
Ria Stone Interview with Hannah Crawford, Writer & Editor, at The Write Place.
Websites/Blogs for other Anthology Authors
John Chapman - avestedinterest.info
Shelia Chapman - avestedinterest.info
Şerban V.C. Enache - serbanvcenache.blogspot.ro/
Kell Inkston - kellinkston.com
Alan James - https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/AlanJames
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