Hannah Crawford
Writer and Editor
a small independent
Hello, Hannah:
Hannah Crawford Writer & Editor The Write Place |
Thank you for agreeing to do an interview for my blog.
As a the Write Place (WP) client and self-published author, I am always curious about how the publishing side works.
WP offers a wide variety of services from writing, editing, design, marketing and more. So, I am excited about this interview.
Q. How long have you been with the Write Place?
A. I joined the Write Place in 2011 as the book division coordinator.
Q. What do you enjoy most about your job?
A. The variety of books people bring to us for publication. I’ve been able to work with authors on children’s books, poetry books, memoirs, novels, history, photo books…I’m sure there are more that I’m not thinking of right now!
Q. As a writer and editor for the WP, are there some favorite projects you have worked on and why? Were there some projects that presented unforeseen issues? If so, what were some of those issues?
A. One of my favorite projects was the winner of our 2014 Book Contest, Lost in the Tallgrass. I loved the story so much, it was truly a pleasure to work with the author throughout the editing process.
It seems like every book project has something new or unexpected that comes up during the production process. Oftentimes this is the author wanting to add additional photos or text at the last minute. Fortunately we can usually accommodate them and still meet their deadline—but sometimes we have to remind them that it might be time to let their baby go!
Q. What advice would you give to a new author seeking to use the WP self-publishing services?
A. Keep in mind that publication is just the beginning. For your book to succeed, you have to have a solid marketing plan. This can be as much work, if not more, than writing the book itself.
Q. What is the typical the WP production process for a self-published eBook or Book?
A. We provide a wide range of services, and not all authors take advantage of all of them. This means that there really is no “typical project.”
But just as an example: an author comes to us with a completed manuscript and wants us to usher it through the entire production process. We’d start with editing, then develop a cover design and interior design. Once the author is happy with the text and design, we’d lay out the entire book. We then send it to a print on demand printer, so the author can order as many copies as he or she wants. We’d also set it up for distribution through,, and other online sites.
Q. What are some typical costs to produce an eBook?
A. It depends on the complexity and length of the eBook. I’d be happy to provide a quote for anyone interested!
Q. Are there some common misconceptions new authors have about self-publishing using TWP services?
A. The WP has been providing a wide range of publishing services to business clients and authors for many years. The WP must have gone through many technological changes as the print industry changes.
Q. What are some innovations TWP has adopted?
Technology is what makes our business possible—without print on demand, it just wouldn’t be economically feasible for many authors to publish their book.
Q. Does the TWP participate in any book conventions or writing workshops?
A few years ago I attended the Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College and discussed self-publishing with some of the authors who were attending. That was a blast!
Q. What do you see in the future for eBook and POD publishing?
I see the technology, especially for eBooks, becoming increasingly accessible and flexible. I’m sure there is amazing technology people are developing right now that I can’t even imagine!
Thanks Hannah, it has been a pleasure working with you and the WP staff. Thanks for the interview.
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Pella, IA and Lakeville, MN
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