
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, October 4, 2020

DIY Fix: What to do with a broken Spray Nozzle

What to Do With a Broken Spray Nozzle
Again, this DIY craft adventure has been surprising. I save shampoo bottles, body spray bottles, cleaning solution bottles with spray, pump, and squirt tops, and more, and reuse them for various DIY cleaning solutions, diluted shampoo, DIY hand soap, and DIY hair spray, for example.

When I got tired of trying to fix the spray pump on my shampoo bottle, I went to Youtube to find repair ideas. I found some but they did not work, so I exchanged the faulty spray pump top with a dishwashing bottle squirt top.

Watching YouTube DIY videos and reading articles about living frugally inspires creativity and imagination.
I’ll try to fix the spray bottle at another time.

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