
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson

Monday, January 4, 2021

DIY: Tech Fix for Fraying Cell Phone and Other Devices' Power Cords

 I ODed on watching YouTube DIY videos. While I tried to save the video links and make notes of some of the ideas in the videos in order to give credit, I can't find the video where I got this idea. It's a great idea to save the wear and tear on personal devices power cords.

Mine were in pretty bad shape and this repair has given them a longer life.
Basically, you wrap the cord tightly with a strong, thin string, or strips of cloth, or ribbon starting from the top and past the damaged area. I had to tape the top and bottom to hold it in place.

DIY Tech Fix for Fraying Power Cords







1 comment:

  1. Nice Post! Thanks for sharing valuable information. It was pretty interesting. It's an excellent option to visit a repair professional to get your phone fixed. If you want any help regarding Smartphone Repair, visit iFixScreens Store.


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