
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Toast Topping - Poached Egg with Matcha

An article in Taste featured the food trend of using Matcha, a green tea powder, as a seasoning. The article raved about a poached egg on buttered toast seasoned with rock salt and Matcha. I was less impressed.

Poached Egg with Rock Salt & Matcha
(Adpated from: https://www.tastecooking.com/subtle-revolution-matcha-poached-eggs/)

1 slice bread of your choice
1 egg
Olive oil
salt and Matcha mixture

I made a poached egg (http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-perfectly-poach-an-egg-in-the-microwave-2016-6)) and toasted a slice of wheat bread in a skillet with olive oil. After topping the toast with the poached egg, I seasoned the egg with a mixture of rock salt and Matcha.

I normally do not use salt. Everything tastes better with salt, so I was not impressed by this recipe. Maybe the Matcha added some flavor but it was not easily detectable to me, but I am not going to give up trying to learn to use Matcha in various recipes, new or standard.

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