Ok, I had avoided the DIY YouTube videos.
But, with a lot of time on my hands, I decided to tackle some projects I had on my To Do List #Z, the one with all the projects I never got around to.
I have a few favorite t-shirts I had wanted to make into pillows, so since I am not crafty, I needed guidance. I did a search for t-shirt pillow on YouTube and wow! there were a lot of creative videos to choose from.
I viewed several videos and choose a few and sorta combined the ideas to make a pillow.
The pillow conversion was going to take some time, so I investigated some other t-shirt conversion videos to get more ideas.
Some of the other t-shirt conversions were easier. I mean so easy, you didn't even need to do any sewing. I decided to try a few.
This video, FashionByAlly:
is amazing. I could make a skirt without any sewing, so I did.
I used a large t-shirt.
As with all things, I forgot to take a picture of the t-shirt or any of the steps.
I did not begin to save the videos with ref notes regarding what I made using the videos. So, my next DIY YouTube projects will be more informative.