
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Jack Monroe's Creamy Salmon Pasta

This has been an interesting recipe to make. I learned to make a fish paste and fish “dumplings.” Sounds simple but it involved a lot of web searches and research.

I used Jackie M’s recipe as a guide to make the fish paste, later I tried tips from RedCook to make fish balls.

The fish paste worked well with Jack Monroe's Creamy Salmon Pasta.

Fish Paste
(Adapted from: https://jackiem.com.au/2015/05/19/how-to-make-fish-paste/)


a can of salmon, drained
3+ TBspns of flour
and a bit of water


Basically, in a bowl, add enough flour and water to the salmon and mix the ingredients thoroughly by hand until it is a smooth thick paste. Store the fish paste in the frig until ready to make Jack Monroe’s recipe.

I am math challenged and even with metric converter apps, my eyes roll when I try to convert grams and milliliters into ounces etc.

Unfortunately for this recipe, the conversions only confused me.

So, I went with my instincts.

Also, I forgot to use a smaller form of pasta like penne, I used spaghetti, vegetable flavored spaghetti. Pasta in smaller forms are easier to coat with sauce and extra ingredients don’t get lost in the pasta.

Jack Monroe’s Creamy Salmon Pasta
(Adapted from: https://cookingonabootstrap.com/2018/07/24/cheap-salmon-pasta-recipe/)



1 8oz package spaghetti
Olive oil
1 8oz can of mushrooms, drained
2 dashes onion powder
2 dashes hot pepper sauce
1 palmful of parsley
1 capful of lime juice concentrate
3/4 of 242g or 8.5 oz bottle of plain yogurt
1 heaping TBspn of salmon fish paste
S/P to taste


Add spaghetti to a pot of boiling water. Add a dab of olive oil.
Cook spaghetti for about 8 minutes, check doneness. Spaghetti should be easy to chew. Cook a little longer, if not done.

In skillet, add mushrooms, onion powder, hot pepper sauce, parsley, lime juice concentrate and S/P.
Stir thoroughly. Heat on low simmer until spaghetti was done.

After spaghetti is done, turn off burner but keep spaghetti in the pot.
Add plain yogurt and salmon paste to mushroom mixture. Stir mixture thoroughly, turn up heat to a full simmer.

Drain spaghetti and add to mushroom mixture.
Stir and toss thoroughly to mix sauce with spaghetti and warm up all the ingredients.
Taste the mixture. Add more fish paste and/or plain yogurt if needed.


Using Red Cook’s tips (https://redcook.net/2009/02/01/making-fish-paste/) as a guide, I made some fish balls mixed with bacon bits, onion and garlic powder and placed  them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Hmmm, while the flavor was good, they were a bit gooey, I had hoped that there would be various ways to cook fish balls but these are like dumplings.

I also tried frying them but if I had had smoke detectors, they would have sounded off an alarm. They are dumplings period.


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