
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Egg in a Frame

Egg in a Frame

I remember this recipe from childhood. We called it "Egg in a Frame" but many recipes call it "Egg in a Nest."


1 slice of bread
Dollop of olive oil
1 egg
Seasonings: ground black pepper, dry basil, salt/macha mixture, Parmesan cheese or seasonings of your choice


On a cutting board, use a small mouthed glass or small can to cut a hole out of the middle of the slice of bread.

Place bread in skillet with a dollop of olive oil. I flip the slice over so each side has gathered a bit of olive oil.

I also toast the bread circle removed from the slice. 

On my hot plate, I use setting 3, a medium-high temperature. As the bread is toasting in the skillet, crack the egg and drop it into the hole in the center of the bread slice.

When the yolk is fairly solid, flip the slice of bread over with a spatula. Make sure to slip the spatula under the whole slice before flipping to cook on the other side.

I usually cook the egg until it is almost fully cooked, the yolk is still a bit runny.

Place the cooked toast and egg on a plate and season.

Seasonings: Ground black pepper, basil, salt/macha mixture, Parmesan cheese or seasonings of your choice.

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