by Antoinette Lane
Research is key to writing a good book, fiction or non-fiction.
During a research session looking for information about self-publishing, I came across a book, Guy Williams: Man Behind the Mask by Antoinette Lane. It was a biography of Guy Williams, the actor, best known for playing Zorro on Disney's TV series in the late 1950s.

Talk about research, Ms. Lane spent almost 19 years researching and interviewing Guy's family, friends, co-workers and more for this in-depth biography that goes into great detail about Guy's life from birth to death and beyond.
In addition, Ms. Lane got lucky, not only did Guy's wife, Janice Cooper, welcome Ms. Lane into her home for multiple in-depth interviews, she met many Guy Williams fans who offered to share their treasure troves of memorabilia for use in her book. You will find family photographs spanning the decades of Guy Williams' life as well as school pictures, modeling covers, actors' head shots and stills from his movies and TV shows.
As Ms. Lane notes:
“One of my objectives in writing this book,” the author writes, “was to make the reader feel he had met him too." Guy had some predictable traits, but he was also a walking paradox: masculine yet sensitive, firm yet gentle, conservative yet nonconforming, macho yet intellectual, simple yet complicated. There is a slight tendency to go overboard with minutia, however, and a little trimming should have been in order. But, as I always say, I would rather have too much than too little. "(from:
If you are Guy Williams or Zorro fan, this in-depth biography will tell you all you want to know about the man, his life and career.
Guy Williams: Man Behind the Mask at Amazon
Antoinette Lane's Guy Williams: Man Behind the Mask Facebook page