
"I cannot live without books: but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." -- Thomas Jefferson
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Mr and Mrs Freakin Frugal and Making YouTube Videos

While most of Mr and Mrs FF's, (#FreakinFrugal), YouTube videos are about their #DumpsterDiving adventures, Mrs F makes other related videos. In some, she provides recipes on how to use Dumpster finds or coupon bargins, in others she gives tips on how to save money running a household and in some she and Mr F discuss how they are trying to make a living now that they both do not have full-time jobs.
Mrs F blows me away, she and Mr F have at least four children, two living at home, and older children at college or living elsewhere. But Mr and Mrs. FF still offer support to them in a variety of ways.
But, it's how Mrs F runs the household that blows me away. The full-time job of making and producing Dumpster diving videos is time consuming but she also does so much in the kitchen. When they bring food home from Dumpster diving, she washes all the food and prepares it for storage, freezing it, refrigerating it or dehydrating it.
It would take me a week to prep the amount of food they bring home in one day.

Also, Mrs F admits she a bit of a germophobe, so she is always cleaning. She, also, make recipes from scratch like yogurt, bread, jam, and other items. She mends and sews a variety of clothing and household items like pillows. She also gardens.

Plus, she has a part-time job.

She's like a modern-day 1900s housewife.
Oh, I forgot to add, they have at least 2 dogs and lots of cats.

Just as an aside, I admire YouTube creators, I thought I loved to talk but I get hoarse just watching / listening to just a few videos.

Here's a few other #FreakinFrugal videos:
Pros and Cons of Making YouTube Your Full-Time Job

Our Frugal Life During Pandemic...

7 Days of Frugal Meal Ideas

Making Jam

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

DIY: T-Shirt Conversion - Grocery Bag

One of my favorite grocery bags was made of a stretchy cotton. So, when I saw videos about making grocery bags out of t-shirts, I jumped in.

I credit FashionbyAli's videos, again. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUEYYJcRNeI&feature=youtu.be)

 I used her ideas and ideas from other videos and made my own version. It required just a bit of hand sewing. All I did was hem the bottom of the t-shirt (inside out).

You will see me say, I am not crafty, often, because I am not. But, I do find the creative ideas of others inspiring.





My First DIY T-Shirt Conversion - A Bubble Skirt

Ok, I had avoided the DIY YouTube videos.

 But, with a lot of time on my hands, I decided to tackle some projects I had on my To Do List #Z, the one with all the projects I never got around to.

 I have a few favorite t-shirts I had wanted to make into pillows, so since I am not crafty, I needed guidance. I did a search for t-shirt pillow on YouTube and wow! there were a lot of creative videos to choose from.

 I viewed several videos and choose a few and sorta combined the ideas to make a pillow.

 The pillow conversion was going to take some time, so I investigated some other t-shirt conversion videos to get more ideas.

Some of the other t-shirt conversions were easier. I mean so easy, you didn't even need to do any sewing. I decided to try a few.

 This video, FashionByAlly:


 is amazing. I could make a skirt without any sewing, so I did.



I used a large t-shirt.

 As with all things, I forgot to take a picture of the t-shirt or any of the steps.

I did not begin to save the videos with ref notes regarding what I made using the videos. So, my next DIY YouTube projects will be more informative.